Showing posts with label Grad School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grad School. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Last Semester is Here!

   How did August get here so fast?! Seriously, it was June two weeks ago. I am graduating this December with my M.A. in Criminal Justice Administration. Finally! I am actually looking forward to getting a big girl job and putting my degree to good use.

   The only way I will survive my last semester is to run a tight ship and keep my calendar glued to my hand. Working two jobs, dealing with homework, and sorting out mundane domestic chores can be a bit much. But I have a secret. I am always at least one week if not two weeks ahead with my homework. I am that loser who stays home on the weekends completing papers and research. During my school career I have found that being ahead helps when life happens. Life loves to give you the plague, car trouble, insomnia, scheduling mishaps with loved ones, or work emergencies. Yep, life happens and the only way to deal is to be prepared and expect anything. I also like to have easy meals on hand to help my schedule flow more smoothly. Weekends are usually all about meal prep or throwing things in the crock pot. Cutting veggies and fruit then stuffing them into zip lock bags has saved my cute butt more than once.

   Hope everyone has a great week back at school! May the semester be ever in your favor!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Finals and Kombucha

I found this at Natural Grocers and it rocked my socks off.
  For many college students across the world now is a magical time in our lives. Who am I kidding?! Its freaking final exams time and we are all prepping for a week of hell with little sleep, too much coffee, and way too much crappy food. Thankfully, Wednesday was my first final exam which was given in the form of a group presentation. My last final is due Saturday and then my semester will come to an end. Hooray!

   Right now I am a little frazzled, and tired but at least I have kombucha. Kombucha is fermented tea that comes in all manner of flavors. I first heard of kombucha while living in Virginia and actually made my own kombucha for awhile. Right now I need to overcome my own laziness in order to make kombucha at home. So I just buy it from Natural Grocers in Midland. This drink is full of probiotics which are great for gut health.

Another great find at Natural Grocers! 

  The semester is nearly over and I am looking forward to reading by the pool, getting off work at 5 and not having to go to class, working out, and cooking way more. The summer is almost here y'all!!

Final Exams Wasted!