I am so excited because today I have placed an order with Steve's Original Paleo Kits! I have heard nothing but great things about this company, which makes wonderful products and also gives back. My box full of goodies will have: Grass Fed Beef Jerky, Berky which has Jerky & Berries, and a Paleo Krunch Bar (shredded coconut, raw pumpkin seeds, raw sunflower seeds, raw almonds, and honey). After consuming all the deliciousness I will report back with a post Paleo Snack Glow.
Today marks Day 13 of the 24 Day Challenge and I feel fantastic but like most people I battle cravings. I have been an emotional eater for many years and a carboholic that loves ice cream for breakfast. However, yesterday was payday and I did not give in and buy ice cream or candy. Instead I went to Target and bought new lipstick because makeup makes me happy and is calorie free, and I also bought new jeans.Spending hundreds of dollars on things whenever you crave junk food won't do your wallet any favors. But I think treating yourself every now and then to a new outfit or a spa treatment is much healthier than cleaning out the office candy bowl. My lovely coworker has a candy bowl on her desk which calls to me on a daily basis. So I have decided to keep nuts and beef jerky at my desk to help keep me on track. I am not determined to be perfect or to never eat sugar again, I only want to help my body feel amazing.
I identify with this child. |
I love bacon and I love these adorable pups :). |