Usually I love going to physical therapy because it makes me feel semi-normal and gets me out of the house. Plus the people at @Kevin Mannix Physical Therapy rock! However, my darling knee has decided to be a diva and swell up twice its normal size. It really has become the swelling that ate Odessa. Major swelling does not make bending easy and most of my exercises involve bending to enhance ROM. The rest of my weekend will be spent icing, elevating, and reading everything I can get my hands on. I'm pretty sure the laundry won't get done and the dishes will grow a new species of mold. Oh well. My knee obviously doesn't care and wants all of my attention for herself. That is pretty damn selfish. But she is something like a newborn and needs to be handled with care.
Steven wrapping my knee to move the swelling farther up my hip. |
The goal for this weekend is to control the swelling. It's better to ice than have a needle jammed into my knee to extract fluid. Hopefully by Monday everything will once again be right with the world and my ACL. For fun I decided to name my ACL Hertha which is Norwegian for powerful. I find it odd that a cadaver ligament is renting space inside my knee. Giving it a name makes me feel like I have more of a connection to my newly acquired friend. Welcome to your new home Hertha!
Teriyaki Salmon for dinner :) |