Showing posts with label Yoga Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga Love. Show all posts

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Yoga Love: A New Year

   Happy New Year Everyone!! As cliche as it may be to say, time flies when you are having fun or in graduate school praying that you graduate on time. Thank heavens I did graduate on time and debt free. To all students still undergoing the struggle, may the odds be ever in your favor.


   For the next month I am participating in two different yoga challenges that are being hosted by various yogis on Instagram. These daily postings help to get me back in the habit of a daily yoga routine. It is far too easy to hibernate all winter long in my cozy bed instead of hitting the gym and yoga mat. Thankfully, a dear friend of mine and I have started lifting together and practicing Tae Kwon Do again. Flipping tires in 45 degree weather is much more bearable when you have a buddy who is working their ass off right along side you. 

    It has been a year since my cadaver ACL transplant and my knee just keeps getting better and better. Dr. Cochran gave me the gift of a second chance and I intend to lead a very active and joy filled life. Squats, running, jumping, etc. are so much easier and pain free now thanks to my cadaver ACL. It was a year of hardships, pain, and a wonderful recovery. Cheers to the road ahead! 

Yoga Poses 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Back Home and Yoga Love

  Hey y'all I am back from beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico where I saw two operas and ate a lot of great food. I took my laptop with me so that I could blog while I was away but alas my sweet computer would not link up to the hotel wifi. The weather was amazing with temperatures in the 70's with several late afternoon showers. I could have stayed for a month but Steven was getting lonely so I grudgingly came home. While I was there I did keep up with the yoga challenge on Instagram #confidentyogis by doing most of my poses in the hotel room. Yoga on!

Here is the rundown:

Day 4 Goddess Pose

Day 5 Upward Dog

Day 6 Warrior 2

Day 7 Camel (a personal favorite)
Day 8 We were asked to choose our favorite pose, mine was Tiger pose grrr
Day 9 One Legged Chatarunga
Day 10 Tiger Pose

Day 11 Bound Half Standing Split

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Confident Yogis Challenge

   For those of you on Instagram there is a yoga challenge that has begun. Every day a new pose is posted on Instagram. Everyone is invited to take a picture of themselves in the pose and post it with the hash tag #confidentyogis, tag @busybodyogi, @paigepodbelsek, @aquaazulboutique. Here are a few of the poses that have been posted.
Reverse plank

King Dancer Pose
Frustrated pose