Sunday, March 30, 2014

God is not Dead

   Usually, I am not comfortable discussing painful aspects of my life or my relationship with God. Some things should remain sacred and intimate to one's self. The past few days I have received multiple text messages with the words "God is not Dead", because the movie has hit theaters and has made an impression on people's hearts. I have No Qualms about people expressing their love for God. However, I do not need to see a movie to know that God indeed is not dead.

   My family experienced a horrific tragedy in that my beautiful 15 month old niece was murdered a year ago, last December. No details need be divulged. I only want to write down an experience that my father and I shared in church several months ago. When tragedy hits close to home it is hard to know that life goes on, the sun still shines, etc. How can the world continue to turn without my niece in it? One Sunday during communion, my father and I were kneeling at the altar. We both glanced to our left and saw a sweet toddler being handed her wafer. Her hair was styled in a similar fashion as my late niece. This darling little girl was a bright beam of sunshine as she smiled at Father David. In my head I calmly thought "Life does go on", and then my father looks at me, shrugs, and says "Life really does go on". I could not believe we both had the same thought at the same time. This moment was needed ever so badly. You have to find the light through the darkness, and that sweet girl at the altar was a bit of fresh hope. We made our way back to the pew and hugged as tears silently made their way down our faces.

   It is my fervent belief that God helped us to have that moment at the altar. I miss my niece every day and I try to be a person that she could be proud of. God is indeed Not Dead. He is alive and helping to mend my shattered family. I do not feel the need to see a movie to validate my feelings about God. For, he is everywhere and in all things. Amen. 

Please try not to take offense at my post, I merely wanted to relate a story of faith and hope.

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