Friday, December 20, 2013

Paleo What?!!

      My doctor ordered me to be strapped into my CPM unit for up to 16 hours a day to help with range of motion (ROM). Holy hell did I panic at the thought of gaining weight which would put more stress on a post-op knee. After panicking I decided to be proactive and began researching how to eat a balanced healthy diet. My dear friend +Lindsay Fedele had introduced me to a better way of eating while Steven and I were on the East coast. She was responsible for introducing me to farmer markets and kombucha which is a fermented tea (freaking delicious). How does broccoli stand a chance against a fried twinkie? Have you had one? +Lindsay Fedele doesn't judge my proclivity toward fried everything with extra gravy on the side, but she wasn't too keen on me dying from a heart attack either. This totally rocking chick suddenly had me caring about what I put into my body and how food can be the greatest medicine.

    Experimenting in the kitchen and reading several books on nutrition I stumbled across the word paleo. This is a simplified way of eating in which a person mainly eats vegetables, fruit, roots, berries, and protein. Most people who eat paleo stay away from dairy, grains, legumes, potatoes, sugar, and heavily processed foods. I am not very dogmatic about what a person should or should not eat in their daily life. I, simply am on a journey to figure out what works best for my body and to ensure that I help my body to heal quickly and efficiently.

    Thankfully I like to play in the kitchen which makes cleaning up my diet easier. Unfortunately, I gain weight rather quickly so being careful with what I eat is necessary. Being a Texan I of course will attack a good chocolate silk pie in the event of an emergency, like final exams. For now, I am cutting down on sugar which can cause inflammation. I have enough inflammation in my life without adding to it, from my knee to my husband testing my patience. I also am eating more protein and vegetable combinations which happen to be delicious. 
Lindsay A.K.A my partner in crime and our friend Cody :)

Grilled salmon and spinach....Yummy!

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