This is a Great product that I have used for the past few years to reduce the inflammation in my knees.
+Nordic Naturals is a wonderful line of fish oils and they have a product for everyone and their particular needs. My chiropractor in Virginia let me in on a little secret involving inflammation of the joints. The secret is Fish Oil Works y'all! I was a skeptic at first and had more faith that pouring lamb's blood on my knee would work better. Thankfully for the lamb
+Nordic Naturals worked for me and my poor damaged knee. After taking the supplement for a week and a half my pain had decreased from a 5 to a 1(using the pain scale 1-10) without taking anything else for pain. Having a potent fish oil in my cabinet is a must for me and my family. I have also noticed that eating less sugar helps my knee to feel better. Sugar may also be responsible for the body having an inflammatory response every time you reach for a beloved Snickers bar or cupcake. Cleaning up my diet has not only helped my joints but has also freshened my breath and cleared up my face. It is pretty hard eating clean/Paleo when my town has fast food joints everywhere. Holy hell, so many options from burgers to fried burritos may cause a person's mouth to water and pants to cut off circulation. I love a great cheeseburger with fries but I am loving how much better I feel cooking at home.

This almost makes me as happy as buying a new pair of heels.
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