Monday, December 30, 2013

Physical Therapy

     Today was PT day and my knee was still swollen and painful but I put on my +Nike shorts, drank my smoothie and headed out the door. Heel slides and calf stretches helped me get into the zone and eased the soreness. The rest of the workout went well and my knee held up nicely. My favorite part of PT is getting my leg stretched and icing.  Bobbie who is one of three physical therapists at @Mannix PT is a holy terror with a West Texas drawl that is damn good at his job. This hulk like guy has completely inspired me with how he came to be a physical therapist. Bobbie had wanted to go to medical school but first came love, kids, marriage, and two cars. He put his dreams on hold in order to put food on the table by becoming a police officer. After his divorce and both kids growing up he decided to go back to school and become a physical therapist. I was blown away that he decided to stick it out and get through school. At the office he appears to have always been a physical therapist because he is so comfortable within the confines of his job. He is so great at his job that I never would have guessed that he had worked anywhere else.

     I am so thankful for the staff at @Mannix PT who help me to progress in my recovery and allow me to have a bad day once in a while.

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