This is a blog about the adventures of having a 2nd ACL transplant and the road to a healthier lifestyle. Sincerely, The Tiny Viking
Monday, December 30, 2013
Physical Therapy
Today was PT day and my knee was still swollen and painful but I put on my +Nike shorts, drank my smoothie and headed out the door. Heel slides and calf stretches helped me get into the zone and eased the soreness. The rest of the workout went well and my knee held up nicely. My favorite part of PT is getting my leg stretched and icing. Bobbie who is one of three physical therapists at @Mannix PT is a holy terror with a West Texas drawl that is damn good at his job. This hulk like guy has completely inspired me with how he came to be a physical therapist. Bobbie had wanted to go to medical school but first came love, kids, marriage, and two cars. He put his dreams on hold in order to put food on the table by becoming a police officer. After his divorce and both kids growing up he decided to go back to school and become a physical therapist. I was blown away that he decided to stick it out and get through school. At the office he appears to have always been a physical therapist because he is so comfortable within the confines of his job. He is so great at his job that I never would have guessed that he had worked anywhere else.
I am so thankful for the staff at @Mannix PT who help me to progress in my recovery and allow me to have a bad day once in a while.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
The Swelling Chronicles
The Swelling That Ate Odessa TX
Usually I love going to physical therapy because it makes me feel semi-normal and gets me out of the house. Plus the people at @Kevin Mannix Physical Therapy rock! However, my darling knee has decided to be a diva and swell up twice its normal size. It really has become the swelling that ate Odessa. Major swelling does not make bending easy and most of my exercises involve bending to enhance ROM. The rest of my weekend will be spent icing, elevating, and reading everything I can get my hands on. I'm pretty sure the laundry won't get done and the dishes will grow a new species of mold. Oh well. My knee obviously doesn't care and wants all of my attention for herself. That is pretty damn selfish. But she is something like a newborn and needs to be handled with care.
The goal for this weekend is to control the swelling. It's better to ice than have a needle jammed into my knee to extract fluid. Hopefully by Monday everything will once again be right with the world and my ACL. For fun I decided to name my ACL Hertha which is Norwegian for powerful. I find it odd that a cadaver ligament is renting space inside my knee. Giving it a name makes me feel like I have more of a connection to my newly acquired friend. Welcome to your new home Hertha!
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Steven wrapping my knee to move the swelling farther up my hip. |
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Teriyaki Salmon for dinner :) |
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Physical Therapy This Week
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! This week at good ol' physical therapy I was allowed to progress in my workout. Oh joy. I am so excited. At least the entire PT crew were wearing Christmas PJ's which lent the atmosphere a festive glow. Unfortunately the first few weeks of physical therapy can be a little boring and monotonous. However, anything and everything you do in recovery is important from the food and supplements you take in to the exercises you perform. Here is the breakdown:
- Heel slides done with a belt (timed for 3 min)
- Straight leg heel stretch done with belt (timed for 3 min)
- Heel stretch done with knee bent (timed for 3 min)
- Straight leg raises with 1lb. weight (30 reps) both legs
- Calf raises (30 reps)
- Standing hamstring curl (30 reps)
- Bike slowly (10 min)
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Bacon is whats for breakfast. |
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Just a huge ice pack to go along with some E-Stem. |
Fish oil....Yummy
Clothes Make the Patient
An advantage in having a major knee surgery in December is that I get to wear cute short workout shorts to the gym. Before my surgery I bought several pairs of +Nike shorts during Black Friday blowout sale. My shorts are in bright colors, bold patterns, and most importantly very comfortable and easy to move in.
My PT clothes help to keep me comfortable and in a positive mood. After my surgery I felt as sexy as a wet poodle after it has been sprayed by a skunk. Cute clothes make me a happier patient which in turn makes it easier on the therapist to deal with me.
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Skorts (skirt & short combo) and bright polka dot shorts make PT bearable. |
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
A Very Special Christmas Gift
The day I sat down with Dr. Cochran to go over my MRI results left me devastated and dumbfounded. My scans showed my ACL to be torn and loose, my meniscus was badly damaged, several bone spurs had sprouted, and the tunneling where the ACL lies was completely degraded. Basically, there was more wrong than right about my knee. I was madder than a wet hen at the thought of more surgery. During recovery from my first transplant I was a great patient and took very good care of my new ligament. Dr. Cochran thankfully is a badass with a scalpel and was confident that he could fix my knee.
Dr. Cochran was able to replace my ACL, build new tunnels, trim my meniscus, and implant high grade plastic screws and a pin. My knee is a much healthier specimen and looks showroom new. My parents, Steven, Dr. Cochran and my nurses gave me a most precious gift. The gift of a more normal life is something quite wonderful. Recovery from this second operation has been much easier than the first. I cannot wait to hop back on a paddle board and enjoy life again.
Dr. Cochran was able to replace my ACL, build new tunnels, trim my meniscus, and implant high grade plastic screws and a pin. My knee is a much healthier specimen and looks showroom new. My parents, Steven, Dr. Cochran and my nurses gave me a most precious gift. The gift of a more normal life is something quite wonderful. Recovery from this second operation has been much easier than the first. I cannot wait to hop back on a paddle board and enjoy life again.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Go Cadaver Transplants or Go Home
Today is a magical day, the kind where you see unicorns and life doesn't suck so much. The CPM unit that I have been sharing my bed with for two weeks has gone back to live with Paradigm Physical Therapy. The DVT cuffs have been boxed up and hauled off to UPS as well. Even physical therapy went well for the most part. I decided that today would be a great time to PT without pain meds. Deep yoga breathing came in handy as my therapist stretched my tight hamstrings and massaged my calf. Ice became my best friend and eased the soreness that was brought on by my workout.
This second transplant has been so different than my first mainly because this time a cadaver ligament was used. The first go around my own tissue was used and I did not have a CPM unit or DVT cuffs once I went home post-op. I am able to do so much more second week post-op with a cadaver ligament than my own tissue. Everyone should have the choice between using cadaver or your own tissue. Please consider cadaver, the science backs it up as do the many thousands of happy patients. Below are two websites that are worth reading if you are in need of an ACL reconstruction.
Take your time when looking for a surgeon and physical therapy team and be picky. This is your body which has to last for quite some time. You as a patient are important and deserve respect and compassion.
This second transplant has been so different than my first mainly because this time a cadaver ligament was used. The first go around my own tissue was used and I did not have a CPM unit or DVT cuffs once I went home post-op. I am able to do so much more second week post-op with a cadaver ligament than my own tissue. Everyone should have the choice between using cadaver or your own tissue. Please consider cadaver, the science backs it up as do the many thousands of happy patients. Below are two websites that are worth reading if you are in need of an ACL reconstruction.
Take your time when looking for a surgeon and physical therapy team and be picky. This is your body which has to last for quite some time. You as a patient are important and deserve respect and compassion.
What I jam out to at PT
I love jamming while working out because it distracts me from the pain that the lovely therapists inflict on me. During the first few weeks, the workouts are tedious and can be frustrating. Having a great play list can combat those feelings and enhance your workout.
What do you listen to to get through a tough workout?
- Gossip "Heavy Cross"
- Avicii "Wake Me Up"
- Passenger "Let Her Go"
- Britney Spears "Work Bitch"
- Avicii "Hey Brother"
- Civil Wars "Barton Hollow"
- JaneDear "Wild Flower"
- Lil Wayne "No Love"
- Lil Wayne "Lollipop"
- Katy Perry "Roar"
What do you listen to to get through a tough workout?
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Cute random cow picture. |
A little help from my friends
A great medicine is to have wonderful friends visit you. +Shawntee DesaRay Goff has become like a sister and I see her friendship as a blessing upon my life. First week post-op after an ACL transplant will usually suck and involve lots of resting and pain meds. Thankfully my darling +Shawntee DesaRay Goff decided to come see me while she was out traveling the vastness known as Texas.
Her visit entailed us watching a great TV series called Dollhouse on Netflix, y'all need to check it out pronto. This woman is my cup of tea simply because she laughs at my terrible jokes, cuddles with me while I am sick/pain, and will watch TV for 4 straight hours without complaint. I am way too envious of her awesome Texas hair and her ability to make anyone feel comfortable while in her presence. +Shawntee DesaRay Goff made being stuck in my CPM unit suck a little less because all she wanted was to hang out with me. To have a person be content just to be in your medicated presence is a wonderful gift. She puts up with my many moods, intense soap box sermons, and accepts all that is me. Thanks for being amazing sis :).
Umm yeah we are adults in graduate school.
Her visit entailed us watching a great TV series called Dollhouse on Netflix, y'all need to check it out pronto. This woman is my cup of tea simply because she laughs at my terrible jokes, cuddles with me while I am sick/pain, and will watch TV for 4 straight hours without complaint. I am way too envious of her awesome Texas hair and her ability to make anyone feel comfortable while in her presence. +Shawntee DesaRay Goff made being stuck in my CPM unit suck a little less because all she wanted was to hang out with me. To have a person be content just to be in your medicated presence is a wonderful gift. She puts up with my many moods, intense soap box sermons, and accepts all that is me. Thanks for being amazing sis :).
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Reunion time :) |
Umm yeah we are adults in graduate school.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
What I told the guy in the next bed at PT
I try very hard to be the sweet southern girl my mama raised me to be. However, sometimes my southern gentility flies right out the window. For example, during physical therapy I am usually focused on my leg raises and very nice to all the therapists and assistants. then this guy in the next bed begins complaining that he was given too much work to do at PT. Seriously? You have the gall to complain to me that you hate PT and no one is helping you? At the time I was only a few days post-op and no one was helping me out. I sincerely believe that PT is what you make of it. If you can go forth with a positive attitude and a gracious heart, then the experience will be better. I understand that pain can change us in drastic ways. I also understand that people experience and handle pain and life hurdles differently. That being said, man in the next bed, do what your told with a smile on your face. Any exercise post-op will hurt/be uncomfortable which is why PT Sucks. At least try to do your exercises and stop sassing everyone in the joint.
I have to do what 24 hrs after surgery?!
I had surgery Monday, December 9 and began physical therapy Tuesday, December 10. All the Godiva chocolate in Texas could not make me happy about this situation. I thought that I would get to lie in bed like a sand bag and have Steven wait on me. Not so much.
Since PT started at 9:30 Am, I woke up at 7 AM to allow for enough time to rescue me from the CPM unit and DVT cuffs, re-wrap my leg, put on the immobilizer, and get dressed. Where the hell is my coffee and positive attitude?
@ Kevin Mannix of @Mannix PT in Odessa TX is an amazing physical therapist that gets results and puts his patients first. The first day of PT will always suck, so prepare yourself to be man handled and put to work. Thankfully +Steven Larizza kept a smile on my face while Kevin manipulated my knee. I was given a few exercises to assist with my range of motion (ROM) which wasn't too bad. Heel slides, calf stretches, and gentle massage was a nice way to start off my PT journey.
When they were done torturing me, Steven took me home and back into the CPM and DVT unit I went. It is crucial to follow your doctor's instructions even when they consist of you lying around for several hours. Suck it up and play on your laptop, read a book, or watch a movie.
The first week of PT consisted of increasing ROM, controlling swelling, and decreasing pain. Ice will become your best friend and sleeping will aid in the healing process. I slept so much the first week post-op that I didn't need coffee to perk me up in the morning. Remember kids sleep, ice, stay hydrated, perform your exercises, and do what the doctor tell you.
Since PT started at 9:30 Am, I woke up at 7 AM to allow for enough time to rescue me from the CPM unit and DVT cuffs, re-wrap my leg, put on the immobilizer, and get dressed. Where the hell is my coffee and positive attitude?
@ Kevin Mannix of @Mannix PT in Odessa TX is an amazing physical therapist that gets results and puts his patients first. The first day of PT will always suck, so prepare yourself to be man handled and put to work. Thankfully +Steven Larizza kept a smile on my face while Kevin manipulated my knee. I was given a few exercises to assist with my range of motion (ROM) which wasn't too bad. Heel slides, calf stretches, and gentle massage was a nice way to start off my PT journey.
When they were done torturing me, Steven took me home and back into the CPM and DVT unit I went. It is crucial to follow your doctor's instructions even when they consist of you lying around for several hours. Suck it up and play on your laptop, read a book, or watch a movie.
The first week of PT consisted of increasing ROM, controlling swelling, and decreasing pain. Ice will become your best friend and sleeping will aid in the healing process. I slept so much the first week post-op that I didn't need coffee to perk me up in the morning. Remember kids sleep, ice, stay hydrated, perform your exercises, and do what the doctor tell you.
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Cabbage, celery, carrots, and spicy meat sauce is a great paleo meal. |
Saturday, December 21, 2013
PaleOMG – Paleo treats
PaleOMG – Paleo Recipes – Thanksgiving Treat: Pomegranate Coconut Chocolate Bark
This is a great blog for paleo recipes, especially this chocolate bark recipe. Try it then make some for friends and family, then eat more for yourself. Juli Bauer of PaleOMG rocks!
This is a great blog for paleo recipes, especially this chocolate bark recipe. Try it then make some for friends and family, then eat more for yourself. Juli Bauer of PaleOMG rocks!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Having a major surgery during the Christmas holidays can really suck if you don't have the right attitude. Since I can't drink a cold beer I thought posting some funny memes would help make me one with the Yuletide.
Y'all are welcome :)!
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This applies to all the back row biddies at church whom I love very much. |
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This was me last year.....I at least gave it the college try. |
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Steven this better be what happens Christmas Eve mister! | #Elf |
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This is what my mama would do....reindeer take note. #Christmas #ACLRecovery |
Blogs to help you figure out food and workouts
I have found a few fitness and paleo blogs that I think everyone should check out.
- Paleomg- Juli Bauer is funny and has great recipes
- Nom Nom Paleo- another wonderful food blog
- Bodee fit- This blog is full of at home cross fit style workouts
- Real Sustenance- Brittany Angell has tons of great paleo recipes as well as special diet recipes. If you suffer from adrenal fatigue or hashimotos disease, this blog is a wonderful resource.
- Stupid Easy Paleo- Need I say more?
- Civilized Caveman- George Bryant has fun and easy recipes to get you started on eating better.
- The clothes make the girl- yet another fun paleo website that makes eating well look easy.
- Daily cup of yoga- I am a yoga fanatic and this blog really touched my heart
- Loving fit- this breaks down workouts into easy components that can be done anywhere.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Paleo What?!!
My doctor ordered me to be strapped into my CPM unit for up to 16 hours a day to help with range of motion (ROM). Holy hell did I panic at the thought of gaining weight which would put more stress on a post-op knee. After panicking I decided to be proactive and began researching how to eat a balanced healthy diet. My dear friend +Lindsay Fedele had introduced me to a better way of eating while Steven and I were on the East coast. She was responsible for introducing me to farmer markets and kombucha which is a fermented tea (freaking delicious). How does broccoli stand a chance against a fried twinkie? Have you had one? +Lindsay Fedele doesn't judge my proclivity toward fried everything with extra gravy on the side, but she wasn't too keen on me dying from a heart attack either. This totally rocking chick suddenly had me caring about what I put into my body and how food can be the greatest medicine.
Experimenting in the kitchen and reading several books on nutrition I stumbled across the word paleo. This is a simplified way of eating in which a person mainly eats vegetables, fruit, roots, berries, and protein. Most people who eat paleo stay away from dairy, grains, legumes, potatoes, sugar, and heavily processed foods. I am not very dogmatic about what a person should or should not eat in their daily life. I, simply am on a journey to figure out what works best for my body and to ensure that I help my body to heal quickly and efficiently.
Thankfully I like to play in the kitchen which makes cleaning up my diet easier. Unfortunately, I gain weight rather quickly so being careful with what I eat is necessary. Being a Texan I of course will attack a good chocolate silk pie in the event of an emergency, like final exams. For now, I am cutting down on sugar which can cause inflammation. I have enough inflammation in my life without adding to it, from my knee to my husband testing my patience. I also am eating more protein and vegetable combinations which happen to be delicious.
Experimenting in the kitchen and reading several books on nutrition I stumbled across the word paleo. This is a simplified way of eating in which a person mainly eats vegetables, fruit, roots, berries, and protein. Most people who eat paleo stay away from dairy, grains, legumes, potatoes, sugar, and heavily processed foods. I am not very dogmatic about what a person should or should not eat in their daily life. I, simply am on a journey to figure out what works best for my body and to ensure that I help my body to heal quickly and efficiently.
Thankfully I like to play in the kitchen which makes cleaning up my diet easier. Unfortunately, I gain weight rather quickly so being careful with what I eat is necessary. Being a Texan I of course will attack a good chocolate silk pie in the event of an emergency, like final exams. For now, I am cutting down on sugar which can cause inflammation. I have enough inflammation in my life without adding to it, from my knee to my husband testing my patience. I also am eating more protein and vegetable combinations which happen to be delicious.
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Lindsay A.K.A my partner in crime and our friend Cody :) |
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Grilled salmon and spinach....Yummy! |
Post-Op Week 1
What Fresh Hell is This?
What Fresh Hell is This?
Waking up after surgery with a pain block inserted into your upper hip is rough sailing. Apparently when asked what I wanted to eat, I replied with "I want to eat Rodney!". Rodney is my brother in law Mark's dog. Rodney is a sweet rottweiler mix that has a dopey overbite and a propensity to whine until petted. This dog has never wronged me and yet I was quite insistent on making quiche a la Rodney. Thankfully, my husband denied my canine request after he stopped laughing.
Steven and my fabulous loud mouthed mama got me home and into bed with little fuss. However, I had a special machine waiting for me at home. A constant passive machine (CPM) allows for the leg to bend and straighten according to the degrees inputted into the handheld . The pain block made my leg numb so getting my clumsy Igor like self into this unit was so much fun. Due to a DVT or blood clot in my calf when I was 19, i had to wear DVT cuffs on my ankles. After turning on the cuffs that gently squeeze my calves every few minutes, my mother lovingly named it the fart machine. Sleeping with both machines the first night turned out to be slightly problematic, because of the slight noise and squeezing action of the cuffs. When the block wore off I awoke with a start at the immense pain traveling up and down my leg. Dear Sweet Baby Jesus thank you for pain meds and a husband who medicates me at 3:30 AM with a smile.
My left leg nestled into my CPM unit after surgery.
Waking up after surgery with a pain block inserted into your upper hip is rough sailing. Apparently when asked what I wanted to eat, I replied with "I want to eat Rodney!". Rodney is my brother in law Mark's dog. Rodney is a sweet rottweiler mix that has a dopey overbite and a propensity to whine until petted. This dog has never wronged me and yet I was quite insistent on making quiche a la Rodney. Thankfully, my husband denied my canine request after he stopped laughing.
Steven and my fabulous loud mouthed mama got me home and into bed with little fuss. However, I had a special machine waiting for me at home. A constant passive machine (CPM) allows for the leg to bend and straighten according to the degrees inputted into the handheld . The pain block made my leg numb so getting my clumsy Igor like self into this unit was so much fun. Due to a DVT or blood clot in my calf when I was 19, i had to wear DVT cuffs on my ankles. After turning on the cuffs that gently squeeze my calves every few minutes, my mother lovingly named it the fart machine. Sleeping with both machines the first night turned out to be slightly problematic, because of the slight noise and squeezing action of the cuffs. When the block wore off I awoke with a start at the immense pain traveling up and down my leg. Dear Sweet Baby Jesus thank you for pain meds and a husband who medicates me at 3:30 AM with a smile.
My left leg nestled into my CPM unit after surgery.
Surviving My Second ACL Reconstruction
Surviving My Second ACL Reconstruction
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Mick the pug whose owner +Lindsay Fedele is a very dear friend of mine :) |
This is how I felt when the nurse informed me that my surgery was scheduled after lunch. Fasting for several hours is not a good look for me. The day of surgery was cold and grey with me hungry and nervous, ready to get this day over with. Steven and I arrived at the surgical center and I was taken back to a small room to await the needles that were coming my way. I am not a big fan of needles and was trying my best to breathe deep and not bite the nurse. The nurse was very nice but blew a beautiful vein in my left hand. As I was cursing, my lovely Doc walked in. With a huge smile he loudly exclaims, "I love saying son of a b**** too. He then gently took my right hand and began talking to me about owning dogs. I was so confused at this turn in conversation that I hardly noticed the anesthesiologist putting in a viable IV. Best doctor ever! Dr. Cochran and the anesthesiologist went over the many variables involved in my surgery.
I was wheeled back into the operating room (OR) fully aware of what was going on around me. Damn, that was a scary experience for a person who has not yet been given the relaxing drugs. Imagine being in a cold room with people walking around with helmets on and a tray of shiny surgical instruments. The last thing I remember is darling Dr. Cochran holding my hand and telling me some ridiculous joke. Finally, I was given the relaxation drugs and drifted off.
Tune in next time y'all to see what happens during post-op week one :).
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Fasting for several hours should be done with a hat that has ears. The sad face will be endearing to some and annoy the hell out of your husband who does not like guilt trips. |
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Hey Ya'll
I decided to start blogging when I found out that I would need a second ACL transplant and partial medial meniscectomy. Even though I have been an athlete since I was young, I didn't know anyone else who had undergone this procedure. This blog will give you a window into the world of recovery from this operation and how I am trying to remain healthy and optimistic. My crazy family and wonderful friends are along for the ride. I live in a smallish dusty West Texas Town that is brimming with grannies carrying guns, and pompous oil tycoons with bad taste.
My name is Elizabeth Larizza and I am a graduate student at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin (UTPB) studying Criminal Justice Administration.I received my B.A. in Criminology from UTPB as well. I love being active and trying new things that get my adrenaline running. My first ACL transplant was due to my tearing the ligament from training for a fight. I thoroughly enjoyed full contact kickboxing and competitive Tae Kwon Do. On the opposite end of the active spectrum I taught yoga and regularly attended hot yoga classes. I am married to a very adorable version of Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory who indulges me in my reading obsession. Steven (the adorable husband) is funny, kind, incredibly smart, and helps me see the good in the world.
I will write about the good, the bad, and ridiculous world that is physical therapy. My mutt Catfish might have a cameo occasionally as well as my prissy American pit bull Bindi Sue. I will also document my foray into eating paleo and leading a healthier life amongst the oil derricks. Let's go y'all!
Me and Steven- Howdy Ya'll
My name is Elizabeth Larizza and I am a graduate student at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin (UTPB) studying Criminal Justice Administration.I received my B.A. in Criminology from UTPB as well. I love being active and trying new things that get my adrenaline running. My first ACL transplant was due to my tearing the ligament from training for a fight. I thoroughly enjoyed full contact kickboxing and competitive Tae Kwon Do. On the opposite end of the active spectrum I taught yoga and regularly attended hot yoga classes. I am married to a very adorable version of Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory who indulges me in my reading obsession. Steven (the adorable husband) is funny, kind, incredibly smart, and helps me see the good in the world.
I will write about the good, the bad, and ridiculous world that is physical therapy. My mutt Catfish might have a cameo occasionally as well as my prissy American pit bull Bindi Sue. I will also document my foray into eating paleo and leading a healthier life amongst the oil derricks. Let's go y'all!
Me and Steven- Howdy Ya'll
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