Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Don't Forget to Pack My Wine

I am All the Excited we have our own place!
    Usually major life changes freak me the fuck out for about 5 minutes and then I put on my big girl panties and deal. For the last year my husband and I have been living in my father in law's house with my brother in law. The oil boom in Odessa, Texas has made housing almost impossible to find or afford for that matter. My father in law was gracious enough to allow us to board at his home while we worked and finished up our degrees. However, life has majorly sucked due to my brother in law who likes to drink and do drugs. Finally, things got so bad at home that paying an exorbitant amount of rent for a shoebox was a better option than living with the brother in law.

    We found an apartment and were able to move in last Monday and already life is better. Our rent is ridiculous, our apartment is tiny, I have to work full time while going to school full time, and we will be broke all the time. However, I could not be happier to live in a home where there is no fear or bad tension. The next semester will be stressful and I hope that I will be able to graduate on time. My education is very important to me and it is one sacrifice that I am not willing to make.

   Being happy is important y'all so is knowing when to cut ties and move on. For the past year I basically ate my feelings and was sad a lot because my home life was chaotic and out of control. No wonder I felt like crap all the time. Having a peaceful environment makes me want to work out and cook again. It is ok to say "I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore". Your life is what you make of it and I just want to be happy. Cheers to getting the hell out of dodge!!

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